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Discover the best AI Dev tools

  • AI Landing Page Builder

    The AI Landing Page Builder is your key to crafting stunning landing pages for your portfolio, business, or services


    Use AI to analyze your code's runtime complexity. Returns the answer in Big O notation across all languages (Python, C++, C, Java, Javascript, Go, pseudocode, etc.) and with partial or incomplete code.

  • AI-Powered SQL Compiler

    These tools help developers generate code as required and they can test whether their code is working or not.

  • Hyperaide

    Middle layer for AI applications

  • Calculator Tools

    Calculator Tools lets you create any app with no code using AI. Your webapp is instantly pushed live and you can edit it using AI. You can share your app with other people and let them remix your app.

  • Carbon

    Unified API to connect external data to LLMs, no matter the source.

  • Kombai

    Kombai is a new ensemble model that can understand and code UI designs like humans. You can prompt it with design files in Figma to get high-quality React and HTML + CSS (vanilla/ tailwind) code in just a single click per component.

  • Prompter

    Manage and fine-tune your AI prompts easily by making quick adjustments, iterating through different variations, debugging any issues, and intuitively comparing and labeling the results. Promptly debug prompts with Prompter.

    With Prompter, you can:

    - Send prompts to the API and view results

    - ⚙️ Tweak parameters like temperature, top-p, etc.

    - ⏳ Save prompt history for later reference

    - Batch test prompts for efficient iteration

    Prompter aims to help you quickly debug prompts and find the best prompts for your use case.

  • Collie

    Collie helps engineering managers have better conversations with their teams. Say goodbye to meeting yak-shaving - Forget about taking notes, summarizing calls, remembering to follow up, or writing down tasks ever again. Collie helps you prepare, run, and recap your engineering meetings — all in one place.

  • rsoft

    Get your business organized with SalezRobot's Lead Management Software. Qualify, analyze, and nurture leads to create new business opportunities with our Lead Management System. Lead tracking Software, Best Lead Management System Lead Management Software, Lead Management System, Lead Tracking CRM Software

  • Checksum

    Checksum makes it easy for developers and QA professionals to achieve better test coverage for their web apps.

    Our software combines real user sessions and machine learning to write E2E tests based on actual user flows and behavior. And if you use Playwright or Cypress, Checksum generates tests using those frameworks, too.


    We are your team's AI-powered sidekick for hassle-free software testing.

    Create entire test suites automatically in minutes - no more endless scripting!

    Fully customizable User Flow testing - ensure test coverage on your critical flows instantly.

    Tests that self-heal when UI changes - eliminate wasted time on test suite maintenance!

  • Get Requirements

    Get requirements from stakeholders easier and automatically generate all that boilerplate documentation you hate to write, saving you tons of hours, so you can kickstart your projects faster.

  • Pgrammer

    Unlike traditional platforms like LeetCode, Pgrammer offers a tailored learning journey that equips you with the confidence to conquer interview questions. Worried about getting stuck? Pgrammer's got your back. Our tool provides timely hints to guide you through challenges without the frustration, keeping your learning on track. And when you're ready to submit your solutions, Pgrammer offers more than just a score. You'll receive comprehensive feedback that focuses on both the positive aspects and areas for improvement.

  • HomeEcom

    HomeEcom elevates Airbnb, Vrbo, and/or vacation rental property owners guest's experience with just a QR code. Simply, create an online store for your property, share the store's QR code with guests, and let them shop!

  • MLnative

    MLnative is a platform for running Machine Learning models in production, delivering 10x improvement in resource utilization and cost efficiency.

    Our solution provides: GPU sharing, autoscaling, customizable priority queues and user-friendly interface for ML models deployment and management.

    Our platform can be deployed either on the cloud resources or on-premise infrastructure.

    It is installed in your environment, so you keep everything under control.