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Discover the best AI Research & Education tools

  • ResumeBoostAI

    Resume Boost AI Generator is a software tool that uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing algorithms to create effective and optimized resumes for job seekers. It analyzes the job seeker's skills, experience, and career goals, and generates a customized resume that highlights their strengths and achievements.


    Discover the power of AI with our cutting-edge app tailored for content creators, marketers, writers, designers, and developers. Effortlessly generate, organize, and utilize GPT prompts from our vast library or create your own. Fully compatible with GPT3.5, GPT4, DALLE-2, Stable diffusion, and Midjourney.

  • MagicForm App

    Generate quizzes from any text in one click using AI right inside google forms


    Clipnote distills key insights from your favorite YouTube videos, turning hours of content into quick, digestible summaries. Stay updated, save time, and learn more with Clipnote.

  • Gliglish

    Gliglish is an AI language teacher to practice listening and speaking foreign languages.


    RCE follows a holistic approach which transformed the students into new generation citizens with vision, a deep sense of moral and ethical values and social responsibilities. The rapidly changing technology and the digital revolution are changing the higher education scenario; RCE is constantly devising Teaching-Learning Processes to accommodate these changed expectations.


    Create custom learning plans effortlessly with Leapp.AI. Tailor your educational journey in coding, design, business or any other field. Get started with Leapp.AI now!

  • Free AI Question Generator

    OpExams question generator is a free tool that helps you generate questions from any text. You can generate multiple choice questions, true or false, fill in the blanks, and open questions. You can also save the generated questions and use them in your exams.


    Interactive concept mapping with AI copilot

  • chat2csv

    Build charts with natural language on real data from CSV

  • Learnitive

    AI-enabled e-learning platform that allows you to plan, research, write, cite and create amazingly unique copyscaped content with the most advanced AI writer ever! Its advanced AI writer can help create text, executable programming codes, and vector illustrations like flowcharts, UML, and much more. Search for a key in millions of academic papers, Wikipedia entries, and Pexels images and insert references or embed as required. Collaborate on posts, share knowledge, and receive feedback to increase your growth factor and success. Custom domains and APIs available.

  • AI Creator Circle

    A community for AI & ChatGPT creatives with 95,000+ members


    Say goodbye to cluttered bookmarks and hello to a simplified, efficient way of saving and summarizing your favorite online resources.

  • SumlyAI

    AI-generated podcast summaries delivered straight to your inbox.

  • SaaS GPTers

    The largest ChatGPT directory with 500+ resources

  • AI Alfred

    Summarize what you want in 1 single click, using AI