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  • Legalese Decoder

    Simplify Everyday Jargons & Legalese Instantly

  • Scispace

    Your platform to explore and explain papers. Search for 270M+ papers, understand them in simple language, and find connected papers, authors, topics.

  • Unschool AI

    AI assisted inspiration for interest-based learning for homeschooling

  • Explain Like I’m Five

    Ready to make sense of the world? ELI5 can help explain tough concepts in an easy-to-understand way.

  • LanguagePro

    Your AI Language Assistant

  • MindSmith

    Experience the future of learning with our generative AI microlearning tool. Our cutting-edge technology creates beautiful lessons to help you train and teach more efficiently. Try it now and see the difference.

  • Bookclub | Meet your next book

  • Elicit

    Elicit uses machine learning to help you with your research: find papers, extract key claims, summarize, brainstorm ideas, and more.

  • Scholarcy

    Scholarcy™ is an online summarizing tool that generates and converts long articles into summary flashcards. Sign up free & start summarizing

  • Tutorly

    Homework? We've got this.

  • ChatMind

    Generating and Modifying Mind Maps through AI Dialogue

  • Teach anything

    Teach you anything in seconds


  • Mental Models with AI

    Easily understand mental models with AI

    Navigate the complexities of life with greater clarity and purpose. Upgrade your understanding with mental models.

    Unlock 50+ Mental Models

    Created by @sameedahmad

  • To Teach

    Unlock the power of AI in your classroom. Get access to AI-generated, personalized teaching materials tailored to your students' interests and needs.

  • jotted

    AI study tool that generates flashcards for a given passage of text.

  • BlockSurvey

    Create surveys in seconds using AI