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Discover the best AI Social Media tools

  • Tweetspear

    Generate personalized and accurate replies with our powered tool, Tweetspear helps you get the most out of your Twitter presence.

  • AdCreative

    Artificial Intelligence powered ad creative and banner generator for better conversion rates.

  • TweePT3

    TweePT3 is the first Twitter-integrated, GPT3 powered tweet writer! Generate engaging, exciting tweets in seconds with the click of a button.

  • Stride

    Stride's AI technology scans social media platforms daily to identify new followers and find their email addresses. It implements advanced monitoring algorithms to analyze social media accounts and extract the email addresses of the newest followers, thereby enabling efficient and relevant email leads, also by using a combination of methods, including behavioral analysis, IP address analysis, social network analysis, and content analysis, to accurately identify and filter out bot accounts. This helps to ensure the accuracy and trustworthiness of your data.

  • WidgetsAI

    WidgetsAI is a no-Code white-label platform that offers monetizable and embeddable AI Widgets. With WidgetsAI, you get access to a diverse range of AI widgets, including blog posts and Twitter tweet generators, as well as customizable chatbots. Our platform offers configurable API, giving you the flexibility to tailor the AI widgets to your specific needs. You can easily integrate these widgets with your own API keys or use shared keys for added convenience. Additionally, our direct payment system via Stripe allows you to monetize your AI widgets and earn money from sharing them with your audience.

  • Copywise

    Copywise is the world's first AI copywriting tool with a built-in marketing framework. Copywise was founded to make it easier for businesses to create high-quality ad copies that drive results. It doesn't only produce high-quality copies, but it also takes users through a marketing framework that drives conversions.

  • Booltool

    An all-in-one cloud toolkit with everything that Al can do (so far) to help turn all forms of your resources into stunning content at your fingertips. Picture editing, Al copywriting, HD videos, and more!

    A must-have toolkit for digital marketers, online shop owners, creators, and graphic designers!

  • Gigopost

    Push AI-powered social content to your teams to re-share & leverage their authentic voice to create new opportunities with 1-click.

  • FederAI – Twitter Growth Tool for Small Accounts

    Get more Twitter audience, clients, visibility you want in half the time.

  • is a first of its kind AI marketer. With a conversational UI, you can manage all your marketing needs through a single chat interface. This innovative tool offers end-to-end campaign management, customer segmentation in plain English, predictive analytics, social media management, and SEO-optimized content creation.

  • Extractify

    Extractify lets Youtubers generate Twitter and LinkedIn content from their youtube videos so they can grow on these platforms and find new audience for their content.

  • BrandBastion Lite

    Easily monitor and manage all your social media conversations with BrandBastion Lite. Our AI simplifies comment management by analyzing sentiment, detecting spam and hate speech, and identifying the messages that require a response from your brand.

  • MarketingBlocks

    MarketingBlocks is a ‘Human-like’ AI Marketing Assistant that writes, creates & designs your landing pages, promo videos, ads, marketing copy, graphics, email swipes, voiceovers, blog posts, articles, art & more in minutes. In ANY niche and ANY language from just a keyword.

  • Ocoya

    A platform to create, auto-generate and schedule content quicker.

  • Decktopus AI

    Decktopus is an online content creation tool that offers auto-adjusted layouts and templates, allowing you to create any type of content in minutes by simply filling in the blanks.

    We are currently working on a new version of Decktopus known as Decktopus AI. Decktopus AI will enhance your experience by offering a new "Create with AI" button on your dashboard.

    You can fill in a prompt, such as "Give a progress report about XYZ," and select a theme, such as "Dark" or "Minimal." In a few minutes, Decktopus AI will generate a fully designed deck with the content you provided, including images, bullet points, forms, and more. It will also be customizable with just a few clicks.

  • RiteBoost

    Auto-generate social posts with image, hashtags, emojis and convert URLs to short links that advertise for you and your clients!