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  • Greip

    Deploy AI-Powered modules to prevent payment fraud.


    Tired of Unread Newsletters?

    Get one summary digest from all of your newsletter subscriptions right to your inbox instead.

  • Calculator Tools

    Calculator Tools lets you create any app with no code using AI. Your webapp is instantly pushed live and you can edit it using AI. You can share your app with other people and let them remix your app.

  • Carbon

    Unified API to connect external data to LLMs, no matter the source.

  • EvalSystem

    EvalSystem is a course evaluation SaaS that leverages AI to help higher education, K-12 and B2B companies conduct and manage evaluations with ease.


    Analyzing household electricity usage through AI to recommend the most cost-effective electricity plans specifically for the United States. This product uniquely combines the power of OpenAI's GPT-4 model with its own proprietary large language model trained on energy data. By leveraging both systems, it can analyze a home's unique energy consumption patterns from multiple perspectives and cross-validate predictions. The proprietary model provides deep expertise in US energy requirements while GPT-4 enables adaptive natural language processing. Together, these advanced AI systems understand each household's needs to match families with the most affordable electricity plans tailored to their individual usage.

    Customers benefit from AI-driven analysis of trends and personalized plan recommendations for optimal savings. The hybrid approach ensures the most accurate predictions using the latest AI innovations.

  • Kombai

    Kombai is a new ensemble model that can understand and code UI designs like humans. You can prompt it with design files in Figma to get high-quality React and HTML + CSS (vanilla/ tailwind) code in just a single click per component.

  • Prompter

    Manage and fine-tune your AI prompts easily by making quick adjustments, iterating through different variations, debugging any issues, and intuitively comparing and labeling the results. Promptly debug prompts with Prompter.

    With Prompter, you can:

    - Send prompts to the API and view results

    - ⚙️ Tweak parameters like temperature, top-p, etc.

    - ⏳ Save prompt history for later reference

    - Batch test prompts for efficient iteration

    Prompter aims to help you quickly debug prompts and find the best prompts for your use case.

  • BluetickPDF – Analyze and Query over your PDF and Ebooks

    BluetickPDF - The cutting-edge PDF analyzing tool empowered by the latest advancements in generative AI technology. We are excited to announce that BluetickPDF is now available to our users absolutely free of charge.

    What you will get


    Query: 1 PDF/E-Book - Maximum 10MB

    Enhanced Security

    PDF Analysis

    Powerful Query Capabilities

    Text Summaries

    Data Extraction

    Accessible and Free

    A quick guide to use BluetickPDF

    1. Login

    Logging in is effortless with BluetickPDF. Say goodbye to account creation and password hassles. Simply log in using your Google account.

    2. Upload your PDF

    Whether you have scientific papers, academic articles, books, manuals, or training materials, you can easily upload your PDF documents to BluetickPDF. Just drag and drop your PDF file.

    3.Query Functionality

    Submit your PDF queries to BluetickPDF, and our advanced AI will promptly deliver accurate and comprehensive responses to meet your informational needs.

    4.Enhanced Security

    Rest assured that your files will not be stored anywhere. Furthermore, all your data will be deleted once you log out from the website.

  • BotMyCareer

    BotMyCareer is an HR tech platform that leverages advanced AI technology to revolutionize the job market.

    For Candidates:

    Motivation Letter Generator: Customizes motivation letters based on the candidate's profile and job description.

    Skills Development Advisor: Provides personalized advice on skills enhancement.

    Salary Comparator: Compares salaries across different roles and industries.

    Interview Preparation Assistant: Offers tailored interview tips and practice questions.

    For HR Professionals:

    Interview Question Generator: Creates customized interview questions for assessing candidates.

    Each of these tools is designed to provide personalized and relevant results, making the recruitment process more efficient for both job seekers and employers.

  • HammerAI

    HammerAI is an AI chat that runs locally on your computer, either in the web browser or in a downloaded desktop app.

    Key features:

    - Local: All model processing run locally on your computer

    - Private: Chats are completely private because the processing happens on your computer

    - Free: We do not charge for any features

    - Simple: There is no sign in

    - Accessible: We offer both a desktop app and a chat that works in your browser

    - Characters: We offer a diverse set of characters, both SFW and NSFW, and the ability to create your own character

    - Models: We have both censored and uncensored models which you can choose to use


    Tell us what you want our NARRATOR AI will create the content for you, It's that simple. Our AI writer gives you more time to focus on the things you love.

  • Venture IQ

    Venture IQ helps investment and innovation teams with data-driven deal-sourcing

  • GummySearch

    AI-based customer research via Reddit. Discover problems to solve, sentiment on current solutions, and people who want to buy your product.

  • taranifyapp

    Looking for the perfect Spotify playlist or Netflix show to suit your mood? Taranify AI is here to help! Taranify is a mood-based recommendation AI that uses AI to figure out how you're feeling and then suggests the best entertainment for you. Just take a quick and fun quiz, and we'll tell you what to listen to or watch to enjoy it the most. We also offer book recommendations now! Say goodbye to wasted time scrolling through endless options. Taranify ai makes finding the perfect playlist, show, or book easy and fast. Great for anyone who wants to enjoy their free time to the fullest.

  • Prepfection

    Resume & Cover Letter correction to help students get into Business Schools