My new project, SaaS Chatbots, is LIVE on Product Hunt πŸš€ Support me here πŸ™


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Or...want to get listed in the next 48 hours?

Follow the easy steps below to get listed within 48 hours.

Step 1 - Add our badge to the hero section of your landing page

Displaying this badge not only serves as a testament to your inclusion in our directory, but also provides valuable social proof to your visitors, boosting your credibility and authority.

Copy and paste the following embed code (do not remove the URL) to your website’s hero section. It must be in a visible area. The badge must link to our homepage.

You may choose the dark or light verison.

Dark Version
<a href="" target="_blank">
  <img src="" alt="SaaS AI Tools" width="264">
Light Version
<a href="" target="_blank">
  <img src="" alt="SaaS AI Tools" width="264">

Step 2 - Post about us on X (Twitter)

After adding the badge, post a tweet on X (formerly Twitter) about SaaS AI Tools. You must tweet from your personal account, not a brand new account. You can use the template below or create a message of your own (must link to @brenkinfa and

Once the badge has been added and your tweet has been posted, contact us through our support form hereΒ with the subject line “Badge & Tweet Complete” and include your website URL and the tweet link in the form description.

As soon as we receive your email and verify the badge placement and that you’ve tweeted, we’ll expedite the review process and have your website listed in our directory within 48 hours!

Happy listing, and looking forward!

Note: We reserve the right to reject any request at our sole discretion.Β